Toucan Toco 

2014–2019  Data Visualization  Product Design  Graphic design

Toucan Toco offers a customer-facing analytics platform empowering organizations to drive engagement with the best user experience.

Toucan Studio makes it possible for anyone to create interactive, instructive charts using WYSIWYG user interfaces with collaborative tools. Data experts can also dig deeper customizing chart parameters and queries through code.トゥーカン・スタジオはWYSIWYGユーザーインターフェースとコラボレーションツールを使って、誰でもインタラクティブで分かりやすいチャートを作成できます。また、データの専門家はコードでチャートのパラメータやクエリをカスタマイズできます。

Toucan Doco provides comprehensive documentation filled with concrete examples, helping app designers make the best of Toucan Studio tools.

In addition to an extensive app suite, Toucan Toco puts a strong emphasis on visual communication, to remove the bore from traditional data software through a series of printed goodies shared across employees, customers and business partners.

© 2025 Éric Le Tutour